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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/todays-nerdle-equations-of-the-day-31-answers-february-19th-2022/

Here is the answer to the Mini Nerdle, Instant Nerdle and Classic Nerdle equations 31 released on 19th February 2022.

Nerdle is a fairly new game that is gaining in popularity since its release. The aim of the game is simple, solve the equation for the day in the guesses you have, but the catch is you have no idea what numbers or symbols are in it. The equation needs to make sense and be mathematically correct and there has to be an equal sign, with the maths problem on the left and the answer on the right.

There are three different modes that are released daily in Nerdle which have been explained below:

  • Mini Nerdle – This puzzle has six squares you have to fill in, which makes it easier to solve
  • Classic Nerdle – This puzzle has eight squares which usually has two different steps you need to do in order to get the answer.
  • Instant Nerdle – In this puzzle you are given all the numbers and symbols that are in the equation, with all of them in the wrong place except for one, which is known to you. Your job is to rearrange these numbers and symbols to make the equation compute.

We always go through all the equations and post the answers as soon as we have them, as well as a hint to help you to solve it yourself. At the moment there is only the top three different puzzles released on a daily basis which are released at midnight GMT / 4pm PST / 7pm EST and as we are in the UK, it will be 19th February for us, but can be 18th February 2022 for you.

What is the Mini Nerdle 31 Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

The Mini Nerdle is the puzzle we solve first as it is the easiest and it acts as a warm up to the Classic Nerdles. As usual, we will be giving you a hint for this puzzle, but the answer is just under, so make sure you scroll slowly to avoid seeing the answer too early.

Hint For Mini Nerdle Today

The hint we give you is telling you all the numbers and symbols that appear in the equation, but in the wrong order and the hint we have for Mini Nerdle 31 is:

9, =, 4, 5, /, 6


The answer to it is:

54 / 9 = 6

Mini Nerdle Answer 31 - 19th February 2022
Mini Nerdle Answer 31 – 19th February 2022

What is the Classic Nerdle 31 Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

Again, for the Classic Nerdles we also give hints in the form of the numbers and symbols being given to you, but it’s your job to rearrange them so it computes.

Hint For Classic Nerdle Today

The hint for the Classic Nerdle 31 is:

4, =, 4, +, 6, *, 0, +, 6


Th answer to this puzzle is:

Classic Nerdle Answer 31 - 19th February 2022
Classic Nerdle Answer 31 – 19th February 2022

What is the Instant Nerdle Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

We do not give hints for the Instant Nerdle as the numbers and symbols are already given to you so the answer to the Instant Nerdle released today is:


Well done if you got all of those right! Make sure you come back tomorrow to get the answers to all the new daily puzzles!

The post Today’s ‘Nerdle’ Equations of the Day #31 Answers: February 19th 2022 appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/todays-nerdle-equations-of-the-day-31-answers-february-19th-2022/

Here is the answer to the Mini Nerdle, Instant Nerdle and Classic Nerdle equations 31 released on 19th February 2022.

Nerdle is a fairly new game that is gaining in popularity since its release. The aim of the game is simple, solve the equation for the day in the guesses you have, but the catch is you have no idea what numbers or symbols are in it. The equation needs to make sense and be mathematically correct and there has to be an equal sign, with the maths problem on the left and the answer on the right.

There are three different modes that are released daily in Nerdle which have been explained below:

  • Mini Nerdle – This puzzle has six squares you have to fill in, which makes it easier to solve
  • Classic Nerdle – This puzzle has eight squares which usually has two different steps you need to do in order to get the answer.
  • Instant Nerdle – In this puzzle you are given all the numbers and symbols that are in the equation, with all of them in the wrong place except for one, which is known to you. Your job is to rearrange these numbers and symbols to make the equation compute.

We always go through all the equations and post the answers as soon as we have them, as well as a hint to help you to solve it yourself. At the moment there is only the top three different puzzles released on a daily basis which are released at midnight GMT / 4pm PST / 7pm EST and as we are in the UK, it will be 19th February for us, but can be 18th February 2022 for you.

What is the Mini Nerdle 31 Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

The Mini Nerdle is the puzzle we solve first as it is the easiest and it acts as a warm up to the Classic Nerdles. As usual, we will be giving you a hint for this puzzle, but the answer is just under, so make sure you scroll slowly to avoid seeing the answer too early.

Hint For Mini Nerdle Today

The hint we give you is telling you all the numbers and symbols that appear in the equation, but in the wrong order and the hint we have for Mini Nerdle 31 is:

9, =, 4, 5, /, 6


The answer to it is:

54 / 9 = 6

Mini Nerdle Answer 31 - 19th February 2022
Mini Nerdle Answer 31 – 19th February 2022

What is the Classic Nerdle 31 Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

Again, for the Classic Nerdles we also give hints in the form of the numbers and symbols being given to you, but it’s your job to rearrange them so it computes.

Hint For Classic Nerdle Today

The hint for the Classic Nerdle 31 is:

4, =, 4, +, 6, *, 0, +, 6


Th answer to this puzzle is:

Classic Nerdle Answer 31 - 19th February 2022
Classic Nerdle Answer 31 – 19th February 2022

What is the Instant Nerdle Answer Today? (February 19th, 2022)

We do not give hints for the Instant Nerdle as the numbers and symbols are already given to you so the answer to the Instant Nerdle released today is:


Well done if you got all of those right! Make sure you come back tomorrow to get the answers to all the new daily puzzles!

The post Today’s ‘Nerdle’ Equations of the Day #31 Answers: February 19th 2022 appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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