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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-stone-age-secret-quest-challenge-sculpted-coral-kingdom-border-monuments-map-locations/

There is another Secret Challenge/Quest in Fortnite where upon completion, you will be awarded with 25,000 XP. 

In the v13.30 Fortnite update that took place earlier today, there were two secret missions that were added to the game. One of these secret missions/challenges is to teach the Coral Buddies Stone Crafting, and we have covered how to complete this challenge, which you can see by clicking here.

Another secret challenge that has been added in this update is to find the sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments and once completed, you will receive 25,000 XP to help you progress in this Seasons Battle Pass and you will also get a legacy for completing this challenge.

Fortnite Stone Age Secret Quest

In order to complete this challenge, you will need to know exactly where these monuments are located. There are a total of three monuments to find and we have shown the exact location for each in-game as well as a map to show all locations.

Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map sphinx Locations

All of the monuments look the same and you will know you are in the right place as you will see the coral buddies around the monument. First, you will see a stone statue of what looks to be an elephant, as seen below:

Fortnite Secret Monument Challenge
Fortnite Secret Monument Challenge

In order to complete this challenge, you simply need to hit this statue once to reveal the Sphinx monument underneath. The first monument can be found at the Lockie’s Lighthouse Landmark, which can be found at C1 of the map. You can see the exact location in the mini-map below.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Lockie's Lighthouse
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Lockie’s Lighthouse

The second one can be found C2, which isn’t at a landmark, but can be found northwest of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location in the min-map located in the top right corner of the image below.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument northwest of Pleasant Park
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument northwest of Pleasant Park

The final monument can be found at the Coral Cove Landmark in A2 of the map. As soon as you have completed the challenge, you will be awarded with 25,000 XP and you will have completed the Coral Buddies Stone Age Quest. You will also receive the Riddle of the Sphinx legacy.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Coral Cove
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Coral Cove

Here is a map to show you all the locations of the monuments:

Fortnite Monument Map Locations
Fortnite Monument Map Locations

The post Fortnite Stone Age Secret Quest/Challenge – Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map sphinx Locations appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-stone-age-secret-quest-challenge-sculpted-coral-kingdom-border-monuments-map-locations/

There is another Secret Challenge/Quest in Fortnite where upon completion, you will be awarded with 25,000 XP. 

In the v13.30 Fortnite update that took place earlier today, there were two secret missions that were added to the game. One of these secret missions/challenges is to teach the Coral Buddies Stone Crafting, and we have covered how to complete this challenge, which you can see by clicking here.

Another secret challenge that has been added in this update is to find the sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments and once completed, you will receive 25,000 XP to help you progress in this Seasons Battle Pass and you will also get a legacy for completing this challenge.

Fortnite Stone Age Secret Quest

In order to complete this challenge, you will need to know exactly where these monuments are located. There are a total of three monuments to find and we have shown the exact location for each in-game as well as a map to show all locations.

Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map sphinx Locations

All of the monuments look the same and you will know you are in the right place as you will see the coral buddies around the monument. First, you will see a stone statue of what looks to be an elephant, as seen below:

Fortnite Secret Monument Challenge
Fortnite Secret Monument Challenge

In order to complete this challenge, you simply need to hit this statue once to reveal the Sphinx monument underneath. The first monument can be found at the Lockie’s Lighthouse Landmark, which can be found at C1 of the map. You can see the exact location in the mini-map below.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Lockie's Lighthouse
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Lockie’s Lighthouse

The second one can be found C2, which isn’t at a landmark, but can be found northwest of Pleasant Park. You can see the exact location in the min-map located in the top right corner of the image below.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument northwest of Pleasant Park
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument northwest of Pleasant Park

The final monument can be found at the Coral Cove Landmark in A2 of the map. As soon as you have completed the challenge, you will be awarded with 25,000 XP and you will have completed the Coral Buddies Stone Age Quest. You will also receive the Riddle of the Sphinx legacy.

Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Coral Cove
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument at Coral Cove

Here is a map to show you all the locations of the monuments:

Fortnite Monument Map Locations
Fortnite Monument Map Locations

The post Fortnite Stone Age Secret Quest/Challenge – Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map sphinx Locations appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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