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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-7-week-5-challenges-2/
Here are all of the Week 5 Epic challenges for Fortnite Battle Royale that have been leaked by dataminers.
New challenges are released every week in Fortnite Battle Royale with the Legendary Challenge being released on Wednesdays and the Epic Challenges being released on Thursdays. There are usually five stages to each Legendary Challenge and there are seven Epic Challenges to complete every week.
The Legendary Challenge for Week 5 has already been released, which you can see by clicking here, and this week there are six stages to complete. The Epic Challenges for Week 5 are not yet live but have been leaked by dataminers and can be seen below.

Fortnite Season 7, Week 5 Challenges
Here are the Fortnite Week 5 Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow, Thursday 8th July, at 3pm BST:
- Destroy computer equipment at satellite stations or Corny Complex (3)
- Damage IO Guards (250)
- Eliminate Trespassers (2)
- Deal damage with IO or Alien weapons (500)
- Loot supply drops (2)
- Damage a Saucer with a pilot inside (800)
- Open an IO chest at a satellite station or Corny Complex (1)

Completing each of these challenges will award you with 30,000 XP to help you to level up and earn more Battle Stars to purchase more items fromĀ this Seasons Battle Pass. The majority of these challenges as with most Epic Challenges this season are self explanatory and shouldn’t take too long to complete. If there are any challenges that require guides, we will be releasing them when the challenges are live in-game, so be sure to check back if you need any help!

Most of the challenges for Week 5 involves the IO guards, so make sure you find a weapon before fighting them as there is always at least two and they will have weapons. Trespassers can be found in the Saucers, which you can find at the Landmarks that are glowing purple at the start of the match. Supply drops land at random locations around the map, but they are marked on the map when they start to drop so make sure you keep an eye on the map and keep safe whilst you are waiting for the supply drop to land.
The post Fortnite Season 7, Week 5 Challenges appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-7-week-5-challenges-2/
Here are all of the Week 5 Epic challenges for Fortnite Battle Royale that have been leaked by dataminers.
New challenges are released every week in Fortnite Battle Royale with the Legendary Challenge being released on Wednesdays and the Epic Challenges being released on Thursdays. There are usually five stages to each Legendary Challenge and there are seven Epic Challenges to complete every week.
The Legendary Challenge for Week 5 has already been released, which you can see by clicking here, and this week there are six stages to complete. The Epic Challenges for Week 5 are not yet live but have been leaked by dataminers and can be seen below.

Fortnite Season 7, Week 5 Challenges
Here are the Fortnite Week 5 Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow, Thursday 8th July, at 3pm BST:
- Destroy computer equipment at satellite stations or Corny Complex (3)
- Damage IO Guards (250)
- Eliminate Trespassers (2)
- Deal damage with IO or Alien weapons (500)
- Loot supply drops (2)
- Damage a Saucer with a pilot inside (800)
- Open an IO chest at a satellite station or Corny Complex (1)

Completing each of these challenges will award you with 30,000 XP to help you to level up and earn more Battle Stars to purchase more items fromĀ this Seasons Battle Pass. The majority of these challenges as with most Epic Challenges this season are self explanatory and shouldn’t take too long to complete. If there are any challenges that require guides, we will be releasing them when the challenges are live in-game, so be sure to check back if you need any help!

Most of the challenges for Week 5 involves the IO guards, so make sure you find a weapon before fighting them as there is always at least two and they will have weapons. Trespassers can be found in the Saucers, which you can find at the Landmarks that are glowing purple at the start of the match. Supply drops land at random locations around the map, but they are marked on the map when they start to drop so make sure you keep an eye on the map and keep safe whilst you are waiting for the supply drop to land.
The post Fortnite Season 7, Week 5 Challenges appeared first on Fortnite Insider.