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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-7-week-4-challenges-2/
Here are all of the Week 4 Epic challenges for Fortnite Battle Royale that have been leaked.
The Epic Challenges are released on a Thursday every week in Fortnite and there are a total of seven challenges to complete. Completing these challenges awards players with 30,000 XP for each completed challenge, making a total of 210,000 XP available every week. The Legendary Challenges are available every Wednesday.
The Week 4 Legendary Challenge is already available to complete, which is all about helping Farmer Steel. “Farmer Steel has gone missing, but you’ll need to do some searching before we can be sure that the aliens are responsible. If he really is missing… Best to prepare for more trouble.” We have created guides for each stage of the challenge, which you can see by clicking here.

Fortnite Season 7, Week 4 Challenges
Here are all of the seven Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow, Thursday 1st July, at 3pm BST for Week 4 of Fortnite:
- Deal damage near an Abductor (1,000)
- Destroy hiding places (2)
- Destroy objects at Retail Row, Lazy Lake, Pleasant Park or Holly Hatchery (5)
- Experience low-gravity with Alien Nanites or on the Mothership (1)
- Hunt an infected animal (1)
- Travel in a saucer (1)
- Abduct an opponent with a Saucer tractor beam (1)

The Epic Challenges for this week are pretty self explanatory, but we will be releasing any necessary guides when the challenges are live and available to complete in-game. The majority of these challenges involves the Saucer and Abductors. You can find these easily by checking the map whilst you’re on the Starter Island or in the Battle Bus and the Points of Interest (POIs) that are glowing purple will be where you can find the Saucers and you can see the Abductors marked on the map.

The post Fortnite Season 7, Week 4 Challenges appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-7-week-4-challenges-2/
Here are all of the Week 4 Epic challenges for Fortnite Battle Royale that have been leaked.
The Epic Challenges are released on a Thursday every week in Fortnite and there are a total of seven challenges to complete. Completing these challenges awards players with 30,000 XP for each completed challenge, making a total of 210,000 XP available every week. The Legendary Challenges are available every Wednesday.
The Week 4 Legendary Challenge is already available to complete, which is all about helping Farmer Steel. “Farmer Steel has gone missing, but you’ll need to do some searching before we can be sure that the aliens are responsible. If he really is missing… Best to prepare for more trouble.” We have created guides for each stage of the challenge, which you can see by clicking here.

Fortnite Season 7, Week 4 Challenges
Here are all of the seven Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow, Thursday 1st July, at 3pm BST for Week 4 of Fortnite:
- Deal damage near an Abductor (1,000)
- Destroy hiding places (2)
- Destroy objects at Retail Row, Lazy Lake, Pleasant Park or Holly Hatchery (5)
- Experience low-gravity with Alien Nanites or on the Mothership (1)
- Hunt an infected animal (1)
- Travel in a saucer (1)
- Abduct an opponent with a Saucer tractor beam (1)

The Epic Challenges for this week are pretty self explanatory, but we will be releasing any necessary guides when the challenges are live and available to complete in-game. The majority of these challenges involves the Saucer and Abductors. You can find these easily by checking the map whilst you’re on the Starter Island or in the Battle Bus and the Points of Interest (POIs) that are glowing purple will be where you can find the Saucers and you can see the Abductors marked on the map.

The post Fortnite Season 7, Week 4 Challenges appeared first on Fortnite Insider.