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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-5-week-10-challenges-quests-leaked/
Here are all of the Fortnite Week 10 Challenges that have been leaked by dataminers and will be released tomorrow at 2pm GMT.
New challenges are released every week in Fortnite Battle Royale on Thursdays. This season, there are seven Epic Challenges released and one Legendary Challenge, which has five different stages. Completing the weekly challenges is an easy way to earn XP and level up in this seasons Battle Pass as quick as possible as each challenge & stage completed will earn you additional XP.
The Legendary Challenge is only available for a week, so be sure to complete this first if possible as it will disappear after a week and replaced by a different one. The Epic Challenges on the other hand are available to complete at any time before this season ends. All of the challenges for Week 10 of Fortnite have been leaked by dataminers and can be seen below.

Fortnite Week 10 Challenges
Here are the seven Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow. Thursday 4th February, at 2pm GMT.
- Use food consumables (3)
- Eliminations with common weapons (1)
- Go for a swim at Lazy Lake (1)
- Dance near Pleasant Park (1)
- Deal Melee Damage (300)
- Upgrade weapons (3)
- Eliminate IO Guards (5)

All of the challenges for this week are pretty simple and self-explanatory. The best mode to complete these challenges will of course be in the Team Rumble mode, as you can keep respawning once you have been eliminated by opponents. You will be able to find food consumables in various different places around the Fortnite map. In order to complete the first challenge, you will only need to consume three items. Common weapons are the ones with the grey variant and are very easy to find. Make sure you keep a common weapon in your inventory and simply eliminate an opponent with it in order to complete the challenge.
There is a lot of water around Lazy Lake and in order to complete the challenge, you will simply need to swim in it to complete the challenge. We assume you will be able to dance in any area close to Pleasant Park to complete the fourth challenge. For the fifth challenge of dealing melee damage, you will simply need to hit opponents with your Pickaxe a few times, which shouldn’t take too long to as you only have to deal 300 damage.
A feature in Fortnite is being able to upgrade different weapons at Upgrade Benches, which can be found in many different locations around the map. You will need to upgrade weapons three times in order to complete the challenge. If you have a common weapon, you can simply upgrade it three times in order to complete the challenge quickly, but you will need to make sure you have enough materials to upgrade it three times. You do not need to complete this challenge in one match however. IO Guards can spawn in different areas and if you are struggling to find them, click here for a guide to help you.
Fortnite Week 10 Legendary Challenge Leaked
The Legendary Challenge for this week can be seen below:
- Destroy sofas, beds or chairs (20,40,60,80,100)

This is an easy challenge to complete as you will be able to find these items in the majority of the houses around the map. It may take a long time to complete the challenge, but not hard.
The post Fortnite Season 5 Week 10 Challenges / Quests Leaked appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-season-5-week-10-challenges-quests-leaked/
Here are all of the Fortnite Week 10 Challenges that have been leaked by dataminers and will be released tomorrow at 2pm GMT.
New challenges are released every week in Fortnite Battle Royale on Thursdays. This season, there are seven Epic Challenges released and one Legendary Challenge, which has five different stages. Completing the weekly challenges is an easy way to earn XP and level up in this seasons Battle Pass as quick as possible as each challenge & stage completed will earn you additional XP.
The Legendary Challenge is only available for a week, so be sure to complete this first if possible as it will disappear after a week and replaced by a different one. The Epic Challenges on the other hand are available to complete at any time before this season ends. All of the challenges for Week 10 of Fortnite have been leaked by dataminers and can be seen below.

Fortnite Week 10 Challenges
Here are the seven Epic Challenges that will be released tomorrow. Thursday 4th February, at 2pm GMT.
- Use food consumables (3)
- Eliminations with common weapons (1)
- Go for a swim at Lazy Lake (1)
- Dance near Pleasant Park (1)
- Deal Melee Damage (300)
- Upgrade weapons (3)
- Eliminate IO Guards (5)

All of the challenges for this week are pretty simple and self-explanatory. The best mode to complete these challenges will of course be in the Team Rumble mode, as you can keep respawning once you have been eliminated by opponents. You will be able to find food consumables in various different places around the Fortnite map. In order to complete the first challenge, you will only need to consume three items. Common weapons are the ones with the grey variant and are very easy to find. Make sure you keep a common weapon in your inventory and simply eliminate an opponent with it in order to complete the challenge.
There is a lot of water around Lazy Lake and in order to complete the challenge, you will simply need to swim in it to complete the challenge. We assume you will be able to dance in any area close to Pleasant Park to complete the fourth challenge. For the fifth challenge of dealing melee damage, you will simply need to hit opponents with your Pickaxe a few times, which shouldn’t take too long to as you only have to deal 300 damage.
A feature in Fortnite is being able to upgrade different weapons at Upgrade Benches, which can be found in many different locations around the map. You will need to upgrade weapons three times in order to complete the challenge. If you have a common weapon, you can simply upgrade it three times in order to complete the challenge quickly, but you will need to make sure you have enough materials to upgrade it three times. You do not need to complete this challenge in one match however. IO Guards can spawn in different areas and if you are struggling to find them, click here for a guide to help you.
Fortnite Week 10 Legendary Challenge Leaked
The Legendary Challenge for this week can be seen below:
- Destroy sofas, beds or chairs (20,40,60,80,100)

This is an easy challenge to complete as you will be able to find these items in the majority of the houses around the map. It may take a long time to complete the challenge, but not hard.
The post Fortnite Season 5 Week 10 Challenges / Quests Leaked appeared first on Fortnite Insider.