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Here’s everything you need to know about IO Guards for the legendary Fortnite week 5 challenge including the spawn locations.
There’s no more Operation Snowdown challenges releasing this year, but players have until January 5th, 2021 to complete the challenges before their gone for good. Each challenge provides players with a free cosmetic reward along with 10,000 season 5 xp. All of the challenges are straightforward and shouldn’t take long to complete.
Rewards include the Snowmando and Frost Squad skins along with wraps, gliders, pickaxes, loading screens, back blings, and more. Although there’s no new challenges for the Christmas event to help you level up faster, we still have the weekly Legendary and Epic challenges.

A few of the Fortnite week 5 challenges will require players to know where to collect, bury, and and dig up gnomes around the map along with the location of where to find the buried blue coin in Retail Row. We’ve linked guides below to help you complete these challenges as quickly as possible.
- Find the buried Blue Coin in Retail Row
- Dig up Gnomes from Fort Crumpet and Pleasant Park
- Collect Gnomes from Fort Crumpet and and Holly Hedges
- Bury Gnomes in Pleasant Park or Retail Row
The legendary quest for the week requires players to eliminate 10, 20, 30, 40, and then 50 IO Guards. Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnite IO Guards.
IO Guards Fortnite
IO Guards were added into Fortnite at the start of season 5. They are part of the Imagined Order and they will spawn from cube-shaped buildings and will chase and attack nearby players.

When knocked, you can shakedown IO Guards for a scanner that’ll show players where the remaining IO Guards are. To complete the eliminate IO Guards Fortnite week 5 legendary challenge, it would be best to knock an IO Guard and shake him down to find out where the rest of them are as it’ll allow you to complete the challenge as quickly as possible.
Where to find IO Guards in Fortnite (Spawn Locations)
Here are the locations where IO Guards can spawn in Fortnite:
- Holly Hedges
- Lazy Lake
- Weeping Woods
- Steamy Stacks
- Risky Reels
- Pleasant Park
- Coral Castle
- Logjam Woodworks
- Lake Canoe
- Rapid’s Rest
- Camp Cod
- Misty Meadows
- Hunter’s Haven
- Gorgeous Gorge
- Salty Towers
- Spaceship Crash Site
Here are the Fortnite map spawn locations for IO Guards thanks to meetlootllama:

The post Fortnite IO Guards Locations: What are IO Guards in Fortntie and where to find them (spawn locations) appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Here’s everything you need to know about IO Guards for the legendary Fortnite week 5 challenge including the spawn locations.
There’s no more Operation Snowdown challenges releasing this year, but players have until January 5th, 2021 to complete the challenges before their gone for good. Each challenge provides players with a free cosmetic reward along with 10,000 season 5 xp. All of the challenges are straightforward and shouldn’t take long to complete.
Rewards include the Snowmando and Frost Squad skins along with wraps, gliders, pickaxes, loading screens, back blings, and more. Although there’s no new challenges for the Christmas event to help you level up faster, we still have the weekly Legendary and Epic challenges.

A few of the Fortnite week 5 challenges will require players to know where to collect, bury, and and dig up gnomes around the map along with the location of where to find the buried blue coin in Retail Row. We’ve linked guides below to help you complete these challenges as quickly as possible.
- Find the buried Blue Coin in Retail Row
- Dig up Gnomes from Fort Crumpet and Pleasant Park
- Collect Gnomes from Fort Crumpet and and Holly Hedges
- Bury Gnomes in Pleasant Park or Retail Row
The legendary quest for the week requires players to eliminate 10, 20, 30, 40, and then 50 IO Guards. Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnite IO Guards.
IO Guards Fortnite
IO Guards were added into Fortnite at the start of season 5. They are part of the Imagined Order and they will spawn from cube-shaped buildings and will chase and attack nearby players.

When knocked, you can shakedown IO Guards for a scanner that’ll show players where the remaining IO Guards are. To complete the eliminate IO Guards Fortnite week 5 legendary challenge, it would be best to knock an IO Guard and shake him down to find out where the rest of them are as it’ll allow you to complete the challenge as quickly as possible.
Where to find IO Guards in Fortnite (Spawn Locations)
Here are the locations where IO Guards can spawn in Fortnite:
- Holly Hedges
- Lazy Lake
- Weeping Woods
- Steamy Stacks
- Risky Reels
- Pleasant Park
- Coral Castle
- Logjam Woodworks
- Lake Canoe
- Rapid’s Rest
- Camp Cod
- Misty Meadows
- Hunter’s Haven
- Gorgeous Gorge
- Salty Towers
- Spaceship Crash Site
Here are the Fortnite map spawn locations for IO Guards thanks to meetlootllama:

The post Fortnite IO Guards Locations: What are IO Guards in Fortntie and where to find them (spawn locations) appeared first on Fortnite Insider.