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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-sharky-shell-location-where-is-sharky-shell-in-fortnite/

Here’s the location of Sharky Shell in Fortnite in order to complete one of the week 9 challenges.

We’re onto the penultimate set of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 challenges with the release of the week 9 challenges today. Players will be able to unlock the Logan Wolverine skin style today and there’s two new gold XP coins this week instead of the single new gold coin we usually get.

There was confusion with the week 9 challenges this week as data-miners originally posted the week 10 challenges and people assumed they were the week 9 challenges. Prior to yesterday’s update, there were two placeholders for the week 9 challenges which have since been updated.

One of the challenges this week requires players to land at Sharky Shell and finish in the top 25. For those of you that aren’t sure where Sharky Shell is in Fortnite season 4, we’ve got you covered with a quick guide.

Where is Sharkly Shell in Fortnite?

With every new season, Epic introduce a number of map changes to keep the game fresh. The Shark was added in chapter 2 but was removed as a named location. This season, The Shark is actually called Sharkly shell and can be found in the same spot that The Shark was located in when it was a named location.

Head north of Coral Castle and drop down and you’ll notice it’s now called Sharkly Shell. We’ve added a map with the location just in-case there are new players that weren’t playing when The Shark was a named location:

Sharky Shell Fortnite Location
Sharky Shell Fortnite Location

Here’s our other week 9 location guides:

If you want to complete this challenge on the first try, land at Sharky Shell and either camp somewhere at Sharky Shell, or get a boat and drive away and either keep driving or camp in a building.

You’ll get a notification when there’s 25 players left and you’ll have completed the challenge. There will likely be a number of players dropping here when the challenges release, so be careful when landing at the landmark location.

The post Fortnite Sharky Shell Location: Where is Sharky Shell in Fortnite appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-sharky-shell-location-where-is-sharky-shell-in-fortnite/

Here’s the location of Sharky Shell in Fortnite in order to complete one of the week 9 challenges.

We’re onto the penultimate set of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 challenges with the release of the week 9 challenges today. Players will be able to unlock the Logan Wolverine skin style today and there’s two new gold XP coins this week instead of the single new gold coin we usually get.

There was confusion with the week 9 challenges this week as data-miners originally posted the week 10 challenges and people assumed they were the week 9 challenges. Prior to yesterday’s update, there were two placeholders for the week 9 challenges which have since been updated.

One of the challenges this week requires players to land at Sharky Shell and finish in the top 25. For those of you that aren’t sure where Sharky Shell is in Fortnite season 4, we’ve got you covered with a quick guide.

Where is Sharkly Shell in Fortnite?

With every new season, Epic introduce a number of map changes to keep the game fresh. The Shark was added in chapter 2 but was removed as a named location. This season, The Shark is actually called Sharkly shell and can be found in the same spot that The Shark was located in when it was a named location.

Head north of Coral Castle and drop down and you’ll notice it’s now called Sharkly Shell. We’ve added a map with the location just in-case there are new players that weren’t playing when The Shark was a named location:

Sharky Shell Fortnite Location
Sharky Shell Fortnite Location

Here’s our other week 9 location guides:

If you want to complete this challenge on the first try, land at Sharky Shell and either camp somewhere at Sharky Shell, or get a boat and drive away and either keep driving or camp in a building.

You’ll get a notification when there’s 25 players left and you’ll have completed the challenge. There will likely be a number of players dropping here when the challenges release, so be careful when landing at the landmark location.

The post Fortnite Sharky Shell Location: Where is Sharky Shell in Fortnite appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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