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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/names-and-rarities-of-all-leaked-fortnite-cosmetics-found-in-v14-20-files-skins-back-blings-gliders-pickaxes-emotes-wraps/

Here are all of the names, rarities and descriptions of the leaked cosmetics that were found in the v14.20 update. These include Fortnite Skins, Back Blings, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes & Wraps.

Epic Games update Fortnite at least every two weeks and in these updates, there are many files that are added to the game. These files can include new items and map changes, but the first files dataminers leak are always the Fortnite Skins and other cosmetics.

In the v14.20 Fortnite update, there weren’t many cosmetics leaked, however we did post the ones that were found. The names, rarities, descriptions and better images for these leaked cosmetics can now be seen below.

Fortnite Leaked Skins Found in v14.20

Hyacinth (Epic) – Guardian of forgotten lands

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Hyacinth
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Hyacinth

Morro (Epic) – Warrior from a long lost world

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Morro
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Morro

Victoria Saint (Rare) – Vampire-hunter of the Old West

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Victoria Saint
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Victoria Saint

Sagan (Uncommon)Live the journey and lead the way

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Sagan
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Sagan

Fortnite Leaked Back Blings Found in v14.20

Steelfeather Shield (Epic)The last of its kind

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Steelfeather Shield
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Steelfeather Shield

Vanquisher’s Oath (Epic) – Protected by an unbreakable vow

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Vanquisher's Oath
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Vanquisher’s Oath

Cake (Rare) – We’re three!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Cake
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Cake

Octane RL (Rare) – Take your shot!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Octane RL
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Octane RL

Slayer’s Saddlebag (Rare) – Garlic-infused and crypt rated

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Slayer's Saddlebag
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Slayer’s Saddlebag

Trendsetter (Uncommon) – What’s on your playlist?

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Trendsetter
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Trendsetter

Fortnite Leaked Pickaxes Found in v14.20

Destiny’s Edge (Rare)Embrace your destiny

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Destiny's Edge
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Destiny’s Edge

Hunting Song (Rare) – It’s a little sharp

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Hunting Song
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Hunting Song

Tangerine Terror (Uncommon) – A little sweet and a lot sharp

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Tangerine Terror
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Tangerine Terror

Stake & Stalker (Uncommon) – Nothing better for a night of hunting

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Stake & Stalker
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Stake & Stalker

Fortnite Leaked Gliders Found in v14.20

Dawn’s Promise (Rare)Chart a course for a new world

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Glider - Dawn's Promise
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Glider – Dawn’s Promise

Fortnite Leaked Emotes Found in v14.20

Glow On (Epic) – Glow with the music and dance

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - Glow On
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – Glow On

On Your Mark.. (Uncommon) – Don’t forget to stretch

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - On Your Mark..
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – On Your Mark..

Take The Cake (Uncommon) – Enjoy the big blowout!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - Take The Cake
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – Take The Cake

Fortnite Leaked Wraps Found in v14.20

Cakey (Rare) 

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - Cakey
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – Cakey

The Beat (Rare)

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - The Beat
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – The Beat

Illustrated (Uncommon)

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - Illustrated
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – Illustrated

Fortnite Leaked Contrails Found in v14.20

Holodate Drop (Rare) – Boost into action

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Contrail - Holodata Drop
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Contrail – Holodata Drop

Fortnite Leaked Music Packs Found in v14.20

Breathing Underwater (Rare) – Don’t Pause, Press Play

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Music Pack - Breathing Underwater
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Music Pack – Breathing Underwater

Not all of these cosmetics will be available in the Fortnite Item Shop as some of these cosmetics will be awarded to players either by completing the challenges in Rocket League or by completing the Fortnite Birthday Challenges that will be available later on.

The post Names and Rarities of All Leaked Fortnite Cosmetics Found in v14.20 Files – Skins, Back Blings, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes & Wraps appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Thumbnail for 5544

Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/names-and-rarities-of-all-leaked-fortnite-cosmetics-found-in-v14-20-files-skins-back-blings-gliders-pickaxes-emotes-wraps/

Here are all of the names, rarities and descriptions of the leaked cosmetics that were found in the v14.20 update. These include Fortnite Skins, Back Blings, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes & Wraps.

Epic Games update Fortnite at least every two weeks and in these updates, there are many files that are added to the game. These files can include new items and map changes, but the first files dataminers leak are always the Fortnite Skins and other cosmetics.

In the v14.20 Fortnite update, there weren’t many cosmetics leaked, however we did post the ones that were found. The names, rarities, descriptions and better images for these leaked cosmetics can now be seen below.

Fortnite Leaked Skins Found in v14.20

Hyacinth (Epic) – Guardian of forgotten lands

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Hyacinth
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Hyacinth

Morro (Epic) – Warrior from a long lost world

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Morro
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Morro

Victoria Saint (Rare) – Vampire-hunter of the Old West

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Victoria Saint
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Victoria Saint

Sagan (Uncommon)Live the journey and lead the way

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin - Sagan
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Skin – Sagan

Fortnite Leaked Back Blings Found in v14.20

Steelfeather Shield (Epic)The last of its kind

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Steelfeather Shield
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Steelfeather Shield

Vanquisher’s Oath (Epic) – Protected by an unbreakable vow

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Vanquisher's Oath
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Vanquisher’s Oath

Cake (Rare) – We’re three!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Cake
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Cake

Octane RL (Rare) – Take your shot!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Octane RL
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Octane RL

Slayer’s Saddlebag (Rare) – Garlic-infused and crypt rated

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Slayer's Saddlebag
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Slayer’s Saddlebag

Trendsetter (Uncommon) – What’s on your playlist?

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling - Trendsetter
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Back Bling – Trendsetter

Fortnite Leaked Pickaxes Found in v14.20

Destiny’s Edge (Rare)Embrace your destiny

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Destiny's Edge
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Destiny’s Edge

Hunting Song (Rare) – It’s a little sharp

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Hunting Song
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Hunting Song

Tangerine Terror (Uncommon) – A little sweet and a lot sharp

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Tangerine Terror
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Tangerine Terror

Stake & Stalker (Uncommon) – Nothing better for a night of hunting

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe - Stake & Stalker
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Pickaxe – Stake & Stalker

Fortnite Leaked Gliders Found in v14.20

Dawn’s Promise (Rare)Chart a course for a new world

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Glider - Dawn's Promise
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Glider – Dawn’s Promise

Fortnite Leaked Emotes Found in v14.20

Glow On (Epic) – Glow with the music and dance

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - Glow On
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – Glow On

On Your Mark.. (Uncommon) – Don’t forget to stretch

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - On Your Mark..
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – On Your Mark..

Take The Cake (Uncommon) – Enjoy the big blowout!

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote - Take The Cake
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Emote – Take The Cake

Fortnite Leaked Wraps Found in v14.20

Cakey (Rare) 

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - Cakey
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – Cakey

The Beat (Rare)

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - The Beat
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – The Beat

Illustrated (Uncommon)

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap - Illustrated
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Wrap – Illustrated

Fortnite Leaked Contrails Found in v14.20

Holodate Drop (Rare) – Boost into action

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Contrail - Holodata Drop
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Contrail – Holodata Drop

Fortnite Leaked Music Packs Found in v14.20

Breathing Underwater (Rare) – Don’t Pause, Press Play

Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Music Pack - Breathing Underwater
Fortnite v14.20 Leaked Music Pack – Breathing Underwater

Not all of these cosmetics will be available in the Fortnite Item Shop as some of these cosmetics will be awarded to players either by completing the challenges in Rocket League or by completing the Fortnite Birthday Challenges that will be available later on.

The post Names and Rarities of All Leaked Fortnite Cosmetics Found in v14.20 Files – Skins, Back Blings, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes & Wraps appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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