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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/aquaman-fortnite-challenges-trident-location-dirty-docks-swimming-time-trial/

Here’s a guide on completing all the Aquaman Fortnite challenges including the location of Aquaman’s Trident pickaxe.

The week 5 Fortnite challenges were released yesterday including the new Aquaman challenge. Players can now get the Aquaman Fortnite skin by completing all five of the available challenges.

Players will unlock additional rewards on the way including a back bling, spray, and a pickaxe. Upon unlocking the skin, players can also unlock the Arthur Curry Aquaman skin style. Here’s a quick guide to help you complete every challenge.

Aquaman Fortnite

Use a whirlpool at the Fortilla

This was an easy challenge to complete, but Epic Games auto completed this challenge for players that hadn’t completed it due to issues with Whirlpools.

Use a Fishing Pole to ride behind a Loot Shark at Sweaty Sands

A pretty straightforward challenge. Players need to get a fishing pole and cast it out in front of a shark in order to ride behind it. When completing this challenge, we almost always found a shark swimming around the north side of Sweaty Sands.

Catch different types of fish in a single match

Pretty easy to do. Cast your fishing pole into the water and get two different types of fish.

Complete the swimming Time Trial at Dirty Docks

You can start the swimming time trial behind the orange crane. It’s quite easy to complete the swimming time trial. If you’re not sure of the location of Dirty Docks, here’s a video to help you complete the challenge:

YouTube Video

Claim your trident at Coral Cove

There’s three different locations where players can claim the Trident at Coral Cove, which is north west of the Fortnite chapter 2 season 3 map. Here’s the location where you can claim your trident at Coral Cove, which will provide players with Aquaman’s Trident Pickaxe upon completion:

claim trident Fortnite locations
claim trident Fortnite locations

Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit

Completing this challenge will provide players with the Arthur Curry skin style for Aquaman. Here’s where Gorgeous Gorge is located on the map:

Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit
Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit

There’s a chance we could see more Aquaman Fortnite challenges, but we won’t know for sure until the next update, which will also bring cars to Fortnite.

The post Aquaman Fortnite Challenges – Trident Location, Dirty Docks Swimming Time Trial appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/aquaman-fortnite-challenges-trident-location-dirty-docks-swimming-time-trial/

Here’s a guide on completing all the Aquaman Fortnite challenges including the location of Aquaman’s Trident pickaxe.

The week 5 Fortnite challenges were released yesterday including the new Aquaman challenge. Players can now get the Aquaman Fortnite skin by completing all five of the available challenges.

Players will unlock additional rewards on the way including a back bling, spray, and a pickaxe. Upon unlocking the skin, players can also unlock the Arthur Curry Aquaman skin style. Here’s a quick guide to help you complete every challenge.

Aquaman Fortnite

Use a whirlpool at the Fortilla

This was an easy challenge to complete, but Epic Games auto completed this challenge for players that hadn’t completed it due to issues with Whirlpools.

Use a Fishing Pole to ride behind a Loot Shark at Sweaty Sands

A pretty straightforward challenge. Players need to get a fishing pole and cast it out in front of a shark in order to ride behind it. When completing this challenge, we almost always found a shark swimming around the north side of Sweaty Sands.

Catch different types of fish in a single match

Pretty easy to do. Cast your fishing pole into the water and get two different types of fish.

Complete the swimming Time Trial at Dirty Docks

You can start the swimming time trial behind the orange crane. It’s quite easy to complete the swimming time trial. If you’re not sure of the location of Dirty Docks, here’s a video to help you complete the challenge:

YouTube Video

Claim your trident at Coral Cove

There’s three different locations where players can claim the Trident at Coral Cove, which is north west of the Fortnite chapter 2 season 3 map. Here’s the location where you can claim your trident at Coral Cove, which will provide players with Aquaman’s Trident Pickaxe upon completion:

claim trident Fortnite locations
claim trident Fortnite locations

Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit

Completing this challenge will provide players with the Arthur Curry skin style for Aquaman. Here’s where Gorgeous Gorge is located on the map:

Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit
Dive over the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman Outfit

There’s a chance we could see more Aquaman Fortnite challenges, but we won’t know for sure until the next update, which will also bring cars to Fortnite.

The post Aquaman Fortnite Challenges – Trident Location, Dirty Docks Swimming Time Trial appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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