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Epic Games have decided to delay the Fortnite Live ‘The Device’ Event and the launch of Season 3 due to the recent injustice in America.
The live event called ‘The Device’ was supposed to be taking place in Fortnite Battle Royale on Saturday 6th June and the new release date for Season 3 was meant to be on Thursday 11th June, however due to the horrifying innocent man being murdered in America, Epic have decided to delay the event and the launch of Season 3.
Fortnite The Device Event New Date

The Device Event will now be taking place on Monday 15th June and the countdown timer will be changed to show the exact time of the event in-game. It seems as though the Storm the Agency Challenges will also be extended.
Fortnite Season 3 New Release Date
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 3 has been delayed till Wednesday 17th June. There has already been two delays for this season, however this delay is due recent events.
You can see what Epic had to say below:
Hey Fortnite community,
Recent events are a heavy reminder of ongoing injustices in society, from the denial of basic human rights to the impact of racism both overt and subtle against people of color. We’re acutely aware of the pain our friends, families, team members, players, and communities are experiencing.
We believe in equality and justice, diversity and inclusion, and that these fundamentals are above politics.
The team is eager to move Fortnite forward, but we need to balance the Season 3 launch with time for the team to focus on themselves, their families, and their communities.
The live event The Device will be delayed to Monday, June 15, and the Season 3 launch delayed to Wednesday, June 17. We know this delay comes on the heels of another one, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during these difficult times.
The post Fortnite Season 3 and ‘The Device’ Event Delayed – Chapter 2: Season 2 Extended appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Epic Games have decided to delay the Fortnite Live ‘The Device’ Event and the launch of Season 3 due to the recent injustice in America.
The live event called ‘The Device’ was supposed to be taking place in Fortnite Battle Royale on Saturday 6th June and the new release date for Season 3 was meant to be on Thursday 11th June, however due to the horrifying innocent man being murdered in America, Epic have decided to delay the event and the launch of Season 3.
Fortnite The Device Event New Date

The Device Event will now be taking place on Monday 15th June and the countdown timer will be changed to show the exact time of the event in-game. It seems as though the Storm the Agency Challenges will also be extended.
Fortnite Season 3 New Release Date
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 3 has been delayed till Wednesday 17th June. There has already been two delays for this season, however this delay is due recent events.
You can see what Epic had to say below:
Hey Fortnite community,
Recent events are a heavy reminder of ongoing injustices in society, from the denial of basic human rights to the impact of racism both overt and subtle against people of color. We’re acutely aware of the pain our friends, families, team members, players, and communities are experiencing.
We believe in equality and justice, diversity and inclusion, and that these fundamentals are above politics.
The team is eager to move Fortnite forward, but we need to balance the Season 3 launch with time for the team to focus on themselves, their families, and their communities.
The live event The Device will be delayed to Monday, June 15, and the Season 3 launch delayed to Wednesday, June 17. We know this delay comes on the heels of another one, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during these difficult times.
The post Fortnite Season 3 and ‘The Device’ Event Delayed – Chapter 2: Season 2 Extended appeared first on Fortnite Insider.