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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/new-fortnite-update-v12-60-patch-notes-leaks-server-downtime-status/
The next new Fortnite update has been announced. V12.60 will be released tomorrow and here’s everything you need to know including the patch notes which we’ll update and when the Fortnite servers will go down for maintenance.
The last Fortnite update that was released was the v12.50 update which Epic released on the 28th April. Since then, we’ve only had a maintenance update that was released on the 7th May.
In the v12.50 update, Epic sent an email to everyone in the support-a-creator program outlining what would be coming in the update. The heavy sniper rifle was finally nerfed after players called for a nerf for months. Epic also added in Party Royale and held the premiere of the new mode a couple of weeks ago.
Epic have now announced that the next, new Fortnite update will be v12.60. Here’s what we know about the update.
Fortnite Update
Fortnite Server Downtime and when they’ll be back up
Prior to Fortnite chapter 2 season 2, Epic Games would release Fortnite updates at 8 AM or 9 AM GMT. With the release of season 2, Epic have changed up the release time of updates and they now release at 6 AM UTC (1 AM ET).
Tomorrow’s update is no different to the previous release times this season, and the update announcement states the Fortnite servers will be down for maintenance at 6 AM UTC. Here’s the announcement tweet below:
Hello, all!
v12.60 is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20. Downtime will begin at 2 AM ET (0600 UTC).
Thank you for being among The Agency’s finest. 🥇 pic.twitter.com/e8Qpk6i16Z
— Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) May 19, 2020
As always, we’ll keep you update on the status of the Fortnite servers and update this article when the servers are back up.
How big is the update (download file size)
Major updates are usually at least 1 GB, but we’ll update this when it rolls out on the servers. We’ll have the download file size on PC, PS4, Xbox One and mobile.
Epic most likely won’t be releasing Fortnite Patch notes for the v12.60 Fortnite update. For whatever reason, Epic haven’t been posting their official patch notes for some time now, and that likely won’t be changing any time soon.
We’ve been releasing our own unofficial Fortnite patch notes whenever there’s enough changes in a major update. If tomorrow’s update has enough changes, we’ll document them in our own patch notes.
Here’s a list of the bug fixes which have been confirmed to be fixed in the v12.60 Fortnite update. Two of the three bug fixes which have been confirmed for the update are for the recent pay-to-win issues with two different cosmetics which have been available to purchase in the item shop.
- Hit Indicators show wrong direction.
- Riot Control Baton Pickaxe temporarily disabled.
- Dragacorn Glider temporarily disabled in competitive playlists.
New Fortnite Weapons
A while back, popular Fortnite data-miner Hypex leaked two different weapons, a Dual-Wielding Suppressed Pistol and a Charge Shotgun. These were leaked more than a month ago, so there’s a chance these may not be added in tomorrow’s update. However, if you’re interested in the leaked weapons, here’s some information on the charge shotgun:
here are the current stats in rarities order from Common to Legendary:
– Body Damage (1 Pellet = *0.10): 68 > 77 > 85 > 95 > 102
– Headshot Multiplier/pellet might be: x1.5
– It also has a "Damage charge multiplier": Min = x1 & Max = x1.75
– Charge time is 1 sec
– Clip Size: 3 https://t.co/scmRm1t4YK— HYPEX – Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) April 15, 2020
Fortnite Overtime Challenges
Every Fortnite season is extended by Epic Games, and with the extension, players are provided with overtime challenges. Upon completion, these challenges reward players with new skin styles for the Fortnite skins in the seasons Battle Pass.
With Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 still two weeks away, we could see Fortnite overtime challenges for season 2. We’ve already seen the Location Domination part 1 and part 2 challenges released, both of which provided XP rewards for players once completed.
If we are to get overtime challenges in chapter 2 season 2, they’ll be in tomorrow’s update. If they’re not in the update, it’ll be the first time in a while Epic haven’t released overtime challenges.
Doomsday Device update
We’ve seen cables being added around the agency over the past couple of weeks. Progress on the Doomsday device is almost guaranteed tomorrow, and we could see leakers post what the completed device looks like ahead of time. Here’s a leak of what all the cables look like in Midas’ room:
I managed to enable all the cables so here is a video showing where they will appear, i'll try to get a closer soon soon! pic.twitter.com/zcQHV2jRYS
— HYPEX – Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) May 8, 2020
This device points towards a live event for the end of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2, something which we were deprived of in the season 1.
The post New Fortnite Update v12.60 – Patch Notes, Leaks, Server Downtime & Status appeared first on Fortnite Insider.
Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/new-fortnite-update-v12-60-patch-notes-leaks-server-downtime-status/
The next new Fortnite update has been announced. V12.60 will be released tomorrow and here’s everything you need to know including the patch notes which we’ll update and when the Fortnite servers will go down for maintenance.
The last Fortnite update that was released was the v12.50 update which Epic released on the 28th April. Since then, we’ve only had a maintenance update that was released on the 7th May.
In the v12.50 update, Epic sent an email to everyone in the support-a-creator program outlining what would be coming in the update. The heavy sniper rifle was finally nerfed after players called for a nerf for months. Epic also added in Party Royale and held the premiere of the new mode a couple of weeks ago.
Epic have now announced that the next, new Fortnite update will be v12.60. Here’s what we know about the update.
Fortnite Update
Fortnite Server Downtime and when they’ll be back up
Prior to Fortnite chapter 2 season 2, Epic Games would release Fortnite updates at 8 AM or 9 AM GMT. With the release of season 2, Epic have changed up the release time of updates and they now release at 6 AM UTC (1 AM ET).
Tomorrow’s update is no different to the previous release times this season, and the update announcement states the Fortnite servers will be down for maintenance at 6 AM UTC. Here’s the announcement tweet below:
Hello, all!
v12.60 is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20. Downtime will begin at 2 AM ET (0600 UTC).
Thank you for being among The Agency’s finest. 🥇 pic.twitter.com/e8Qpk6i16Z
— Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) May 19, 2020
As always, we’ll keep you update on the status of the Fortnite servers and update this article when the servers are back up.
How big is the update (download file size)
Major updates are usually at least 1 GB, but we’ll update this when it rolls out on the servers. We’ll have the download file size on PC, PS4, Xbox One and mobile.
Epic most likely won’t be releasing Fortnite Patch notes for the v12.60 Fortnite update. For whatever reason, Epic haven’t been posting their official patch notes for some time now, and that likely won’t be changing any time soon.
We’ve been releasing our own unofficial Fortnite patch notes whenever there’s enough changes in a major update. If tomorrow’s update has enough changes, we’ll document them in our own patch notes.
Here’s a list of the bug fixes which have been confirmed to be fixed in the v12.60 Fortnite update. Two of the three bug fixes which have been confirmed for the update are for the recent pay-to-win issues with two different cosmetics which have been available to purchase in the item shop.
- Hit Indicators show wrong direction.
- Riot Control Baton Pickaxe temporarily disabled.
- Dragacorn Glider temporarily disabled in competitive playlists.
New Fortnite Weapons
A while back, popular Fortnite data-miner Hypex leaked two different weapons, a Dual-Wielding Suppressed Pistol and a Charge Shotgun. These were leaked more than a month ago, so there’s a chance these may not be added in tomorrow’s update. However, if you’re interested in the leaked weapons, here’s some information on the charge shotgun:
here are the current stats in rarities order from Common to Legendary:
– Body Damage (1 Pellet = *0.10): 68 > 77 > 85 > 95 > 102
– Headshot Multiplier/pellet might be: x1.5
– It also has a "Damage charge multiplier": Min = x1 & Max = x1.75
– Charge time is 1 sec
– Clip Size: 3 https://t.co/scmRm1t4YK— HYPEX – Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) April 15, 2020
Fortnite Overtime Challenges
Every Fortnite season is extended by Epic Games, and with the extension, players are provided with overtime challenges. Upon completion, these challenges reward players with new skin styles for the Fortnite skins in the seasons Battle Pass.
With Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 still two weeks away, we could see Fortnite overtime challenges for season 2. We’ve already seen the Location Domination part 1 and part 2 challenges released, both of which provided XP rewards for players once completed.
If we are to get overtime challenges in chapter 2 season 2, they’ll be in tomorrow’s update. If they’re not in the update, it’ll be the first time in a while Epic haven’t released overtime challenges.
Doomsday Device update
We’ve seen cables being added around the agency over the past couple of weeks. Progress on the Doomsday device is almost guaranteed tomorrow, and we could see leakers post what the completed device looks like ahead of time. Here’s a leak of what all the cables look like in Midas’ room:
I managed to enable all the cables so here is a video showing where they will appear, i'll try to get a closer soon soon! pic.twitter.com/zcQHV2jRYS
— HYPEX – Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX) May 8, 2020
This device points towards a live event for the end of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2, something which we were deprived of in the season 1.
The post New Fortnite Update v12.60 – Patch Notes, Leaks, Server Downtime & Status appeared first on Fortnite Insider.