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Epic Games have officially announce that the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) is returning. Here is when it will start and what you need to know.

Epic Games have officially announced that the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) will be returning very soon and they have also announced that there will be a training simulation that will be available before the event.

FNCS Fortnite Competitive Chapter 2 — Season 2 Beginning Date

FNCS will be returning on March 20th and you will need a Duo for this event. There will be two tournament tracks, one for PC and one for console and mobile players, where each track will have the same prizes, but their own champions.

In order to be eligible to play FNCS, you must reach Champion League in Arenas and must have 2FA enabled.

There is also a training simulation to help you get ready for the event which will start on March 13th and will be available till March 15th.

You can see the official trailer for the event below:

YouTube Video

Here is the full blog post by Epic:

Calling all Agents! It’s time to find your Duos partner. The Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) returns on March 20, and is open to eligible Duos players who have each reached Champion League in Arena and enabled 2FA on their accounts. To warm up your skills, the action kicks off with a training simulation that runs from March 13 — March 15.

In this season of FNCS, there will be two tournament tracks: one for players on PC, and one for players on console and mobile. Each track will have equal prizing and their own champions. Keep in mind, and this is mission critical, your Duos partner needs to be in the same platform group. This means that PC players cannot partner with console and mobile players.

During FNCS, each week’s event will send the top scoring Duos players per server region through to the Season Finals. They will be joined by the highest ranked Duos players on the overall Series Leaderboard across the entire season. Full official rules can be found within this intel here.

In addition to the new Season, expect to hear more from us soon on our evolving 2020 competitive roadmap.

See you on the Battle Bus,
The Fortnite Competitive Team

The post Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) Returns – Competitive Event Date and Details appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Epic Games have officially announce that the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) is returning. Here is when it will start and what you need to know.

Epic Games have officially announced that the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) will be returning very soon and they have also announced that there will be a training simulation that will be available before the event.

FNCS Fortnite Competitive Chapter 2 — Season 2 Beginning Date

FNCS will be returning on March 20th and you will need a Duo for this event. There will be two tournament tracks, one for PC and one for console and mobile players, where each track will have the same prizes, but their own champions.

In order to be eligible to play FNCS, you must reach Champion League in Arenas and must have 2FA enabled.

There is also a training simulation to help you get ready for the event which will start on March 13th and will be available till March 15th.

You can see the official trailer for the event below:

YouTube Video

Here is the full blog post by Epic:

Calling all Agents! It’s time to find your Duos partner. The Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) returns on March 20, and is open to eligible Duos players who have each reached Champion League in Arena and enabled 2FA on their accounts. To warm up your skills, the action kicks off with a training simulation that runs from March 13 — March 15.

In this season of FNCS, there will be two tournament tracks: one for players on PC, and one for players on console and mobile. Each track will have equal prizing and their own champions. Keep in mind, and this is mission critical, your Duos partner needs to be in the same platform group. This means that PC players cannot partner with console and mobile players.

During FNCS, each week’s event will send the top scoring Duos players per server region through to the Season Finals. They will be joined by the highest ranked Duos players on the overall Series Leaderboard across the entire season. Full official rules can be found within this intel here.

In addition to the new Season, expect to hear more from us soon on our evolving 2020 competitive roadmap.

See you on the Battle Bus,
The Fortnite Competitive Team

The post Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) Returns – Competitive Event Date and Details appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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