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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-weather-station-where-is-the-weather-station-in-fortnite/

Here’s the location of the Weather Station in Fortnite for the week 3 Forged in Slurp challenge.

Sorana, the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 secret skin was available to unlock two weeks ago and players are trying to complete their previous challenges in order to unlock the secret skin.

Upon unlocking the secret skin, players can then find the back bling hidden in the chaos loading screen along with the Sorana pickaxe. There’s also two different Sorana styles to unlock.

One of the challenges from the week 3 mission, Foraged in Slurp, required players to dance at different landmarks on the map including Lockies Lighthouse and Compact Cars. As you already know, landmarks aren’t marked on the map in-game and some players have difficulty finding some of them, especially the weather station.

Below we’ve marked the location of where the Weather Station is in Fortnite.

Weather Station Fortnite Location

The Fortnite weather station is located west of Misty Meadows on the snowy mountain. It’s a location that’s not commonly visited for most Fortnite players, so it comes as no surprise a large number of players don’t know where it is.

Here’s the exact location of the weather station on the fortnite map:

Weather Station Fortnite Location
Weather Station Fortnite Location

Here’s what the weather station looks like in-game:

Fortnite Weather Station
Fortnite Weather Station

Simply walk up to the location until you see the bottom left corner notify you that you’re at the weather station. Then use any Fortnite dance or emote in order to complete the challenge.

If you’re not sure where Compact Cars or Lockies Lighthouse is, feel free to check out our locations guide over here. Use the search bar on our site to look for any other guides you’ll need for any of the other Fortnite challenges for this season.

The post Fortnite Weather Station: Where is the Weather Station in Fortnite appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/fortnite-weather-station-where-is-the-weather-station-in-fortnite/

Here’s the location of the Weather Station in Fortnite for the week 3 Forged in Slurp challenge.

Sorana, the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 secret skin was available to unlock two weeks ago and players are trying to complete their previous challenges in order to unlock the secret skin.

Upon unlocking the secret skin, players can then find the back bling hidden in the chaos loading screen along with the Sorana pickaxe. There’s also two different Sorana styles to unlock.

One of the challenges from the week 3 mission, Foraged in Slurp, required players to dance at different landmarks on the map including Lockies Lighthouse and Compact Cars. As you already know, landmarks aren’t marked on the map in-game and some players have difficulty finding some of them, especially the weather station.

Below we’ve marked the location of where the Weather Station is in Fortnite.

Weather Station Fortnite Location

The Fortnite weather station is located west of Misty Meadows on the snowy mountain. It’s a location that’s not commonly visited for most Fortnite players, so it comes as no surprise a large number of players don’t know where it is.

Here’s the exact location of the weather station on the fortnite map:

Weather Station Fortnite Location
Weather Station Fortnite Location

Here’s what the weather station looks like in-game:

Fortnite Weather Station
Fortnite Weather Station

Simply walk up to the location until you see the bottom left corner notify you that you’re at the weather station. Then use any Fortnite dance or emote in order to complete the challenge.

If you’re not sure where Compact Cars or Lockies Lighthouse is, feel free to check out our locations guide over here. Use the search bar on our site to look for any other guides you’ll need for any of the other Fortnite challenges for this season.

The post Fortnite Weather Station: Where is the Weather Station in Fortnite appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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