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Epic Games didn’t release Fortnite patch notes for today’s v11.21 update (December 4th, 2019). We’ve compiled the bug fixes that were implemented in today’s update.
Epic Games announced that the v11.21 update would be releasing today with downtime starting at 4 AM ET. Downtime for the update ended some time ago and Epic haven’t released Fortnite Patch Notes.
In Chapter 2, Epic would release patch notes even for content update that only added a single item to the game, but it’s likely patch notes will only be released if there’s a major update from now on.

Today’s Fortnite update included no new leaks in any form. One new encrypted file was added along with a new skin style for Lace. The update included a number of bug fixes, the highlight fix being the input delay for controller players being fixed.
Epic also changed Risky Reels slightly. According to dataminers, Risky Reels will likely be the main location that this month’s live event takes place.

v11.21 Fortnite Patch Notes
- Corrected an issue on mobile that caused FPS drops and hitching.
- The counter for the amount of refund tokens players have has been correctly after displaying an incorrect number.
- The option to allow players to see the FPS was missing in the Battle Royale and Creative game modes which has now been fixed.
- The input delay issues for controller players has now been fully fixed.
- Corrected an axis offset issue on the map marker.
- The amount of low-detailed buildings on Nintendo Switch has been increased.
Obviously this isn’t the major update Fortnite players have been waiting for. The next Fortnite update will be the v11.30 patch that will bring the Christmas challenges, rewards, new features, and the in-game live even that Epic mentioned in a blog post.

The update can’t come soon enough. It’ll be three weeks since Epic released a major update, and players seem to be unhappy with Epic’s current update schedule.
For the majority of Chapter 1, Epic were releasing a brand new item or weapon every week. Granted, players were complaining about useless items, but now players are complaining about the lack of content.
Are you happy with current update schedule for chapter 2, season 1? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Unofficial v11.21 Fortnite Update Patch Notes (12/4/19) – Bug Fixes, Risky Reels Change appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Epic Games didn’t release Fortnite patch notes for today’s v11.21 update (December 4th, 2019). We’ve compiled the bug fixes that were implemented in today’s update.
Epic Games announced that the v11.21 update would be releasing today with downtime starting at 4 AM ET. Downtime for the update ended some time ago and Epic haven’t released Fortnite Patch Notes.
In Chapter 2, Epic would release patch notes even for content update that only added a single item to the game, but it’s likely patch notes will only be released if there’s a major update from now on.

Today’s Fortnite update included no new leaks in any form. One new encrypted file was added along with a new skin style for Lace. The update included a number of bug fixes, the highlight fix being the input delay for controller players being fixed.
Epic also changed Risky Reels slightly. According to dataminers, Risky Reels will likely be the main location that this month’s live event takes place.

v11.21 Fortnite Patch Notes
- Corrected an issue on mobile that caused FPS drops and hitching.
- The counter for the amount of refund tokens players have has been correctly after displaying an incorrect number.
- The option to allow players to see the FPS was missing in the Battle Royale and Creative game modes which has now been fixed.
- The input delay issues for controller players has now been fully fixed.
- Corrected an axis offset issue on the map marker.
- The amount of low-detailed buildings on Nintendo Switch has been increased.
Obviously this isn’t the major update Fortnite players have been waiting for. The next Fortnite update will be the v11.30 patch that will bring the Christmas challenges, rewards, new features, and the in-game live even that Epic mentioned in a blog post.

The update can’t come soon enough. It’ll be three weeks since Epic released a major update, and players seem to be unhappy with Epic’s current update schedule.
For the majority of Chapter 1, Epic were releasing a brand new item or weapon every week. Granted, players were complaining about useless items, but now players are complaining about the lack of content.
Are you happy with current update schedule for chapter 2, season 1? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Unofficial v11.21 Fortnite Update Patch Notes (12/4/19) – Bug Fixes, Risky Reels Change appeared first on Fortnite Insider.