Who else loves Fortnite tips ?
Here’s a quick locations guide on where you’ll find the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent in Fortnite.
The Fortnite secret Sorana skin challenges were available to complete when the Week 8 dive mission challenges were unlocked. Players need to find the hidden F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E letters in the loading screens to be able to unlock the Sorana secret skin and the challenges that come with it.
Since the skin has been released, players have been trying to complete their challenges in order to lock the Sorana skin and challenges.
One of the Week 7 trick shot mission challenges requires players to dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent, and we’ve created a guide with all the locations below.
Dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent
Pipeman Fortnite Location
You’ll find the pipeman located north of Misty Meadows on the snowy mountain. As given away by the name, the pipeman is made entirely out of pipes.
Here’s the exact location where you’ll find it:

Simply get close to the pipeman and perform any dance/emote that you want in order to complete this part of the challenge.
Hayman Fortnite Location
Instead of the stone family, we’ll likely get the hay family this season. The Hayman can be found south west of Frenzy Farm with his left arm in the air.
Here’s Hayman’s location on the map:

Timber Tent Fortnite Location
You’ll find the Timber Tent between Sweaty Sands and and Holly Hedges. Here’s the location on the map:

The post Where is the dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timber tent Fortnite Locations appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

Here’s a quick locations guide on where you’ll find the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent in Fortnite.
The Fortnite secret Sorana skin challenges were available to complete when the Week 8 dive mission challenges were unlocked. Players need to find the hidden F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E letters in the loading screens to be able to unlock the Sorana secret skin and the challenges that come with it.
Since the skin has been released, players have been trying to complete their challenges in order to lock the Sorana skin and challenges.
One of the Week 7 trick shot mission challenges requires players to dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent, and we’ve created a guide with all the locations below.
Dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timbertent
Pipeman Fortnite Location
You’ll find the pipeman located north of Misty Meadows on the snowy mountain. As given away by the name, the pipeman is made entirely out of pipes.
Here’s the exact location where you’ll find it:

Simply get close to the pipeman and perform any dance/emote that you want in order to complete this part of the challenge.
Hayman Fortnite Location
Instead of the stone family, we’ll likely get the hay family this season. The Hayman can be found south west of Frenzy Farm with his left arm in the air.
Here’s Hayman’s location on the map:

Timber Tent Fortnite Location
You’ll find the Timber Tent between Sweaty Sands and and Holly Hedges. Here’s the location on the map:

The post Where is the dance at the pipeman, the hayman, and the timber tent Fortnite Locations appeared first on Fortnite Insider.