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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/leaked-fortnite-chapter-2-season-1-week-3-forged-in-slurp-mission-challenges-objectives/

Here are all of the leaked objectives/challenges you will need to complete for the Forged in the Slurp Mission in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Every week in Fortnite Battle Royale, a new Mission is released and even though we are only in the second week of the Season, the third Mission will be unlocked tomorrow. For all of the Missions this season, there are eleven objectives/challenges to complete.

Data-miners have managed to find and leak the Mission that will be released on Thursday, which is called Forged in Slurp and the objectives/challenges you will need to complete can be seen below.


Here are the challenges/objectives that you will need to complete:

  • Search Chests at Slurpy Swamp or Retail Row (7)
  • Eliminate opponents with a weapon of each rarity (1)
  • Upgrade an item at a Weapon Upgrade Bench (3)
  • Dance at Compact Cars, Lockie’s Lighthouse, and a Weather Station (1)
  • Deal damage with Common weapons (500)
  • Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item (1)
  • Eliminate opponents at E.G.O. outposts or Retail Row (3)
  • Search Ammo Boxes at Landmarks (7)
  • Search Supply Drops in different matches (3)
  • Deal damage with Legendary Weapons (250)
  • Search hidden ‘R’ found in the Forged by Slurp Loading Screen (1)

Once you have completed any of the eight challenges from this Mission, you will unlock the Forged In Slurp Loading Screen, which can be seen below:

Fortnite Chapter 2- Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Loading Screen Reward
Fortnite Chapter 2- Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Loading Screen Reward

This season, there is no need for Battle Stars as you can only progress in the Battle Pass by gaining XP, which means there are now hidden letters to find in the Loading Screens instead. We will be releasing a guide as to how and where you can find the Letter ‘R’ hidden in the Forged in Slurp Loading Screen.

Remember you will only be able to see the ‘R’ once you have the Loading Screen unlocked and it is in your inventory.

We will also be releasing guides and a Cheat Sheet on how to complete these challenges as soon as they are unlocked.

The post Leaked Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Challenges/Objectives appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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Thanks to https://fortniteinsider.com/leaked-fortnite-chapter-2-season-1-week-3-forged-in-slurp-mission-challenges-objectives/

Here are all of the leaked objectives/challenges you will need to complete for the Forged in the Slurp Mission in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Every week in Fortnite Battle Royale, a new Mission is released and even though we are only in the second week of the Season, the third Mission will be unlocked tomorrow. For all of the Missions this season, there are eleven objectives/challenges to complete.

Data-miners have managed to find and leak the Mission that will be released on Thursday, which is called Forged in Slurp and the objectives/challenges you will need to complete can be seen below.


Here are the challenges/objectives that you will need to complete:

  • Search Chests at Slurpy Swamp or Retail Row (7)
  • Eliminate opponents with a weapon of each rarity (1)
  • Upgrade an item at a Weapon Upgrade Bench (3)
  • Dance at Compact Cars, Lockie’s Lighthouse, and a Weather Station (1)
  • Deal damage with Common weapons (500)
  • Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item (1)
  • Eliminate opponents at E.G.O. outposts or Retail Row (3)
  • Search Ammo Boxes at Landmarks (7)
  • Search Supply Drops in different matches (3)
  • Deal damage with Legendary Weapons (250)
  • Search hidden ‘R’ found in the Forged by Slurp Loading Screen (1)

Once you have completed any of the eight challenges from this Mission, you will unlock the Forged In Slurp Loading Screen, which can be seen below:

Fortnite Chapter 2- Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Loading Screen Reward
Fortnite Chapter 2- Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Loading Screen Reward

This season, there is no need for Battle Stars as you can only progress in the Battle Pass by gaining XP, which means there are now hidden letters to find in the Loading Screens instead. We will be releasing a guide as to how and where you can find the Letter ‘R’ hidden in the Forged in Slurp Loading Screen.

Remember you will only be able to see the ‘R’ once you have the Loading Screen unlocked and it is in your inventory.

We will also be releasing guides and a Cheat Sheet on how to complete these challenges as soon as they are unlocked.

The post Leaked Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1 Week 3 Forged in Slurp Mission Challenges/Objectives appeared first on Fortnite Insider.

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