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An impressive amount of Limited Time Modes have been added to the Fortnite files following the v9.30 update.

Fortnite v9.30 featured an above average amount of content compared to typical updates as it is being used as preparation for three upcoming Content Updates before v9.40’s release. Including are many LTMs which are expected to be present during the upcoming 14 Days of Fortnite event.

Below you can find a list of all twenty datamined Limited Time Mode names and descriptions…


The only weapons in the game are the automatic firing ones. Spray and pray!

Builder’s Paradise

All player-built structures have drastically increased health, but a true builder doesn’t break down walls, they edit through them! Neutral editing has been turned on to allow players to edit structures no matter which team placed them. And what kind of paradise would keep a builder short on supplies? Building material drop rates are increased to allow as much building as desired!


Last man standing rules, but players have the ability to turn into different props around the map

Headshots Only

Players can only deal damage with headshots, so take your time and line up your shots!

Heavy Metal

In this mode, only the Heavy weapon variants can be found in loot boxes. Get your loadout and get in the fight!

Leave None Behind

All players have a slurp effect granting health and shields over time as long as their teammate is alive & not downed. If a player is knocked down they become invulnerable to damage, but the heal over time effect that their teammate has will change to damage over time. Revive your partner as fast as possible!

Loadout Swap

All players gets a new loadout that continues to change through the course of a match. Compete to be the last one standing, and prove you are the best with a variety of weapons!

Power Up

This mode is played in two phases. During the first phase, respawn on elimination is ON and using shield items increases your max shield capacity. After a period of time, respawning will switch to OFF. At this point, everyone’s shields will automatically be fully recharged. The remaining players will then fight to the finish! Note: Supply drops have TONS of shield pickups.

Purple Reign

All weapon drops are Epic. Storm circles move a bit more quickly. Building material farming rates are increased.


Fight back to back with a friend for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first player to get the target number of eliminations wins!


No description available.

Storm Chasers: Surfin’

Surf’s Up! Jump out of the Battle Bus and on to your shiny new surfboard. Use impulse grenades to bounce enemy players into the storm. Race against the storm and the other surfers to be the last one standing!

Strategic Structures

Think before you place is the name of the game. Stone and metal wall health has been increased but the resource caps and resource farming rates have been reduced.


Not Team It: Avoid the red team at all costs #NotTeamIt Team It: try to pickaxe the blue team to convert them to the red team. #TeamIt

Tank Battle

Player health and shields drastically increased. Healing items removed and replaced with siphon (health granted on elimination). Let the best tank win!

Team Rumble: Lava

Two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get the target number of eliminations wins! Dangerous lava rises gradually from the lowest parts of the map. Quickly loot, gather materials, and then start building up to stay away from the lava!

Team Splashdown

Using only water balloons and their wits two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get the target number of eliminations wins!

The Blues

All weapon drops are Rare. Storm circles move a bit more quickly. Building material farming rates are increased.

Use With Care

Players are granted building materials at the start of the match without the ability to gain more throughout the match. Make what you are given at the start last because that’s all you get!

Water Balloon Fight

No description available.

What are your thoughts on all of the aforementioned Limited Time Modes?

Stay tuned to @FortniteINTEL / for full Fortnite coverage, including news, leaks, and more. If you’d like to support us, use code FortniteINTEL in the Item Shop!

The post 20 new Limited Time Modes added in Fortnite v9.30 files appeared first on Fortnite INTEL.

Thanks to

An impressive amount of Limited Time Modes have been added to the Fortnite files following the v9.30 update.

Fortnite v9.30 featured an above average amount of content compared to typical updates as it is being used as preparation for three upcoming Content Updates before v9.40’s release. Including are many LTMs which are expected to be present during the upcoming 14 Days of Fortnite event.

Below you can find a list of all twenty datamined Limited Time Mode names and descriptions…


The only weapons in the game are the automatic firing ones. Spray and pray!

Builder’s Paradise

All player-built structures have drastically increased health, but a true builder doesn’t break down walls, they edit through them! Neutral editing has been turned on to allow players to edit structures no matter which team placed them. And what kind of paradise would keep a builder short on supplies? Building material drop rates are increased to allow as much building as desired!


Last man standing rules, but players have the ability to turn into different props around the map

Headshots Only

Players can only deal damage with headshots, so take your time and line up your shots!

Heavy Metal

In this mode, only the Heavy weapon variants can be found in loot boxes. Get your loadout and get in the fight!

Leave None Behind

All players have a slurp effect granting health and shields over time as long as their teammate is alive & not downed. If a player is knocked down they become invulnerable to damage, but the heal over time effect that their teammate has will change to damage over time. Revive your partner as fast as possible!

Loadout Swap

All players gets a new loadout that continues to change through the course of a match. Compete to be the last one standing, and prove you are the best with a variety of weapons!

Power Up

This mode is played in two phases. During the first phase, respawn on elimination is ON and using shield items increases your max shield capacity. After a period of time, respawning will switch to OFF. At this point, everyone’s shields will automatically be fully recharged. The remaining players will then fight to the finish! Note: Supply drops have TONS of shield pickups.

Purple Reign

All weapon drops are Epic. Storm circles move a bit more quickly. Building material farming rates are increased.


Fight back to back with a friend for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first player to get the target number of eliminations wins!


No description available.

Storm Chasers: Surfin’

Surf’s Up! Jump out of the Battle Bus and on to your shiny new surfboard. Use impulse grenades to bounce enemy players into the storm. Race against the storm and the other surfers to be the last one standing!

Strategic Structures

Think before you place is the name of the game. Stone and metal wall health has been increased but the resource caps and resource farming rates have been reduced.


Not Team It: Avoid the red team at all costs #NotTeamIt Team It: try to pickaxe the blue team to convert them to the red team. #TeamIt

Tank Battle

Player health and shields drastically increased. Healing items removed and replaced with siphon (health granted on elimination). Let the best tank win!

Team Rumble: Lava

Two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get the target number of eliminations wins! Dangerous lava rises gradually from the lowest parts of the map. Quickly loot, gather materials, and then start building up to stay away from the lava!

Team Splashdown

Using only water balloons and their wits two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get the target number of eliminations wins!

The Blues

All weapon drops are Rare. Storm circles move a bit more quickly. Building material farming rates are increased.

Use With Care

Players are granted building materials at the start of the match without the ability to gain more throughout the match. Make what you are given at the start last because that’s all you get!

Water Balloon Fight

No description available.

What are your thoughts on all of the aforementioned Limited Time Modes?

Stay tuned to @FortniteINTEL / for full Fortnite coverage, including news, leaks, and more. If you’d like to support us, use code FortniteINTEL in the Item Shop!

The post 20 new Limited Time Modes added in Fortnite v9.30 files appeared first on Fortnite INTEL.

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