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The Fortnite Item Shop has updated to display new cosmetics for the 11th May, 2019.
The Fortnite Item Shop has updated to rotate new cosmetics into the item shop for the 11th May, 2019.
Yesterday’s Item Shop featured a brand new skin, Cryptic. The skin is of rare rarity and can be purchased for 1,200 V-Bucks. The skin was leaked from the v9.00 update along with the new animated Engima wrap.
Today’s Item shop features the same skin along with Revel, Power Chord and Revolt.
Here’s all of the cosmetics available in the Item Shop today:
If you’d like to support us, use support-a-creator code FORTNITE-INSIDER in the bottom right corner of the Item Shop.
- Power Chord Skin (Legendary) – 2,000 V-Bucks
- Stage Dive Glider (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Anarchy Axe Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Cryptic Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Revolt Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Rebel Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Crossroads Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Bucks
- Enigma Wrap (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks

- Insight Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Airlift Glider (Epic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Switchstep Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Intensity Emote (Epic) – 800 V-Bucks
- Tactics Officer Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Studded Axe Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
The post Fortnite Item Shop 11th May – All Fortnite skins and cosmetics appeared first on Fortnite Insider.
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The Fortnite Item Shop has updated to display new cosmetics for the 11th May, 2019.
The Fortnite Item Shop has updated to rotate new cosmetics into the item shop for the 11th May, 2019.
Yesterday’s Item Shop featured a brand new skin, Cryptic. The skin is of rare rarity and can be purchased for 1,200 V-Bucks. The skin was leaked from the v9.00 update along with the new animated Engima wrap.
Today’s Item shop features the same skin along with Revel, Power Chord and Revolt.
Here’s all of the cosmetics available in the Item Shop today:
If you’d like to support us, use support-a-creator code FORTNITE-INSIDER in the bottom right corner of the Item Shop.
- Power Chord Skin (Legendary) – 2,000 V-Bucks
- Stage Dive Glider (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Anarchy Axe Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Cryptic Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Revolt Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Rebel Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Crossroads Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Bucks
- Enigma Wrap (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks

- Insight Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Airlift Glider (Epic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Switchstep Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Intensity Emote (Epic) – 800 V-Bucks
- Tactics Officer Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Studded Axe Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
The post Fortnite Item Shop 11th May – All Fortnite skins and cosmetics appeared first on Fortnite Insider.
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