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Here are all of the Daily items including skins and cosmetics for the Fortnite Item Shop for the 17th January 2019.
The Fortnite Item Shop updates every day to display new Fortnite skins, emotes, gliders, pickaxes, Back Blings and Wraps. Yesterday’s item shop featured the newly leaked Verge skin along with the Diverge Glider and the Clean Cut Pickaxe.
Here are all of the cosmetics available in the shop today:

- Verge Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Clean Cut Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Bucks
- Fate Skin (Legendary) – 2,000 V-Bucks
- Split Wing Glider (EPic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Diverge Glider (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Fated Frame Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Eletro Shuffle Emote (Epic) – 800 V-Bucks
- Battle Pass Tiers (Epic) – 600 V-Bucks
- Maximilian Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Rapscallion Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Twist Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Ice Breaker Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Buck
Here are the cosmetics that were available in the Fortnite Item shop yesterday (16th January):

The post Fortnite Item Shop 17th January – All Skins & Cosmetics appeared first on Fortnite Insider.
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Here are all of the Daily items including skins and cosmetics for the Fortnite Item Shop for the 17th January 2019.
The Fortnite Item Shop updates every day to display new Fortnite skins, emotes, gliders, pickaxes, Back Blings and Wraps. Yesterday’s item shop featured the newly leaked Verge skin along with the Diverge Glider and the Clean Cut Pickaxe.
Here are all of the cosmetics available in the shop today:

- Verge Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Clean Cut Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Bucks
- Fate Skin (Legendary) – 2,000 V-Bucks
- Split Wing Glider (EPic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Diverge Glider (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Fated Frame Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Eletro Shuffle Emote (Epic) – 800 V-Bucks
- Battle Pass Tiers (Epic) – 600 V-Bucks
- Maximilian Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Rapscallion Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Twist Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Ice Breaker Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Buck
Here are the cosmetics that were available in the Fortnite Item shop yesterday (16th January):

The post Fortnite Item Shop 17th January – All Skins & Cosmetics appeared first on Fortnite Insider.